Well, we took a trip on a large catamaran to a small uninhabited island called Petit Terre. There are 2 parts to the island. One half is a bird and wildlife sanctuary. The other half has beautiful beaches with white sand and very clear water. The trip out to the island was a bit over an hour. On the trip out it was a bit overcast and it rained briefly. But by the time we got to the island it had cleared up and was beautiful. The island is inhabited with iguana.
In fact we had lunch with on small, very cute iguana who munched on some bananas while we ate a nice meal of grilled fish and salad. They are vegetarians and are not dangerous at all. Afterwards we went snorkeling – my first time and Wayne hasn’t snorkeled since he was 10 years old! It was incredible!! There were all kinds of fish – angel-fish that were about a foot high, green fish, blue fish, transparent fish, striped fish. And we saw a baby sand shark! The water was crystal clear and warm. We were out there for hours. We finally got tuckered out and came back just in time to get ready to go back. The trip back was so soothing and calm that both Wayne and I passed out for a bit. We had a great time.