We visited St Lucia briefly. It was an interesting experience. We saw the tourist zone, which was fabulous and you can see in the photos. We also took a rental car and drove some of the roads and saw fairly sour looking islanders. It was more of the split personality of the caribbean- poverty and wealth side by side. Debbie and I drive a fiat panda, similar to a lot of the islanders. However its not that uncommon to see BMW X6’s and brand new range rovers hogging along the tiny roads. Anyhow in my Saint Lucia driving experience I found the roads were some of the hardest I have ever driven, and that’s saying something considering the roads here in Guadeloupe.It’s harder because in St Lucia they are driving English style, on the left. But even so the roads were fantastically twisty, narrow and with deep ditches or good sized drop offs without guard rails. So you definitely want to be paying attention.